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Treatments, Alternative Medicine & Tests

Deciding how to treat your multiple sclerosis—from drugs to diets to supplements—can be confusing, and the avalanche of tests, neurologist appointments, and exams can feel overwhelming. Leaning on science and personal experience, ActiveMSers tries to make sense of it all.

Pile of Pills

On Medications: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

  • How to choose your DMT

  • Should you even treat?

  • Balancing the risks and rewards of treatments

  • Understanding side effects

  • Being scared of needles

  • The latest breaking research

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Absolutely Essential Diet
& CAM Guidance

  • Autoimmune diets from the Wahls Protocol to the Swank Diet

  • Reviewing multiple sclerosis supplements

  • The latest cannabis research

  • Complimentary alternative medicine


Behind the MS Curtain

  • What's up with your neurologist

  • The nuts and bolts of clinical trial

  • Multiple sclerosis advocacy

  • Entering the dens of Big Pharma

  • How to best manage MRIs

  • Understanding researchers




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Everything HSCT for MS

  • All the published research on haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis

  • First-hand experience from the founder of ActiveMSers

  • Startling confessions 




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