Running, Hiking & Triathlon with MS
Mark Van Meter could barely walk because of his MS, and now he is an Ironman //
how one novice runner fought through fatigue to finish her first marathon //
jogging and faith
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Running with MS
"Forget about what you can’t do—do whatever you can to keep moving." So says a defiant Ashlea Deahl, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 22. This is her motivating story about controlling her disease, fighting through fatigue, and "running" her first marathon.
5 min read
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Marathons, MS and Faith
For Margaret Finelt, MS is like the “wall” at mile 20 in a marathon when your body is starting to wear out. It’s at that point that you have to make a choice: give up or tear down the wall and keep going. Her choice? Push through that wall. And keep running.
2 min read
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I ran into Beth on the trail—a fellow MSer who has been an Ironman many times over—and realized something critically important [BLOG]
Setting a personal best on a hike takes planning, patience and a little luck [BLOG]
That time I finished DFL—dead freaking last—in a 5K walk [BLOG]
Because of my disease and my ability to run as fast as Usain Bolt can crawl with a bum knee, this risk of getting mauled by coyotes was real [BLOG]